A lil’ ‘bout me

REX OGLE is an award-winning author of more than a hundred books, comics, graphic novels, and memoirs—most notably Free Lunch (winner of the ALA/YALSA award for Excellence in Non-Fiction), Abuela Don’t Forget Me (ALA/YALSA award for Excellence in Non-Fiction finalist), Road Home (a Micheal Printz Honor and Stonewall Honor book), and middle grade graphic novels Four Eyes and Pizza Face.  

Under his pseudonym REY TERCIERO, he also re-imagines classics as modern and diverse graphic novels, including Meg, Jo, Beth, & Amy, Northranger (nominated for both Harvey and GLAAD Media Awards), and Dan in Green Gables (coming in June 2025). 

Born and raised in Texas, Rex now lives in Los Angeles where he writes every day—when he’s not reading X-Men, gaming with friends, or chasing his dog, Toby, trying to score a hug.

a few weird/dumb/silly things about me

#1. i love chex mix. Love love love chex mix. But not the store bought kind. It’s gotta be homemade. (*Same with rice krispie treats).

#2. i love the color pink. Barbie pink to be specific. It makes me happy every time i see it. I think it’s because I was not supposed to like Barbie’s as a boy, but secretly, I loved them. They made me smile. Still do. But I am not allowed to buy them… but only because collecting toys is a slippery slope. Though admittedly, the chances are high that one day I will buy a Pink Barbie Jeep for my bookshelf.

#3. i’ve always wanted a dog. Toby is my first . Turns out I didn’t know I could love another creature this much. He’s so cool and aloof and independent and sweet (occasionally). He’s also a killer. He has killed rats, lizards, squirrels, birds, spiders, flies, a very cute gopher, and a monarch butterfly-which I reprimanded him for because they are endangered. Bad Toby.

#4. When I do school visits, the #1 question I get is, “How is your brother these days?” Honestly? He’s really awesome. We talk several times a week, usually when he drives to work. He’s a nurse practitioner and regularly saves lives. And I couldn’t be more proud. Also, he has two sons, and I spoil them rotten.

current reads / book rex-commendations

1. Dungeon Crawler Carl, by Matt Dinniman. It is Hunger Games meets Dungeons & Dragons meets video games meets Ready Player One meets… I dunno. But it’s really f***ing good.

2. The first run of The Authority, by Warren Ellis & Bryan Hitch, and Mark Millar & Frank Quietly. It came out in 1999 and was revolutionary at the time. I’m re-reading now and it holds up. It takes superheroes and makes them actual heroes who aren’t playing nice.

*more to come soon

Contact me & stuff

Who is my literary agent?
Brent Taylor at TriadaUS. (He’s rad.)

To arrange a speaking engagement:
Contact Christie Hinrichs | requests@authorsunbound.com
View My Speaker Profile | www.authorsoutloud.com/rex-ogle

Want to chat with me? Don’t be afraid. Hit me up on Instagram.
Link below. Just be ready for a lot of pictures of my dog and me talking about geeky movies and books I’m reading.


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